Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Chemo Therapy

This moving issue is plaguing my mind, mostly because I can't deal with having things up in the air. Yesterday, my boss and I were in the surgery room doing chemo on a dog- a fairly intensive process which entails all kinds of protective clothing, seclusion and patience. While she was administering the chemo, we started talking and the subject turned to my concern over my grandparents. When I commented that I just worried about the lack of help my grandfather seemed to have, she replied, "mmhmm, so when are you moving then?" When I replied that at this point, I was just worrying and not really making plans, she came back with, "Of course you are going to end up going. It's you. For Heaven's sake, I could be in Minnesota or something and call you for help, and you'd be there in a heartbeat. It's what you do." Well, I thought that was very touching. We continued talking about how I was a major asset there, and she could easily become very upset and tell me there was no way I could go, but in this situation that wouldn't really be fair. Still, she brought up some good points about how if I moved there, there was really no turning back, and I could easily be taken advantage of. Right now, there is an offer on the table for me to possibly have one-two three day week-ends per month, to allow me to go down there and help out, and see how I do with it before I make any big plans to uproot my whole life.

I thought that was an extremely generous offer, and it looks good on paper. No major changes, except that I would be available to help out my family more often. But it raises a ton of questions. Like, how will I pay the gas and wear and tear on my car? After an exhausting week, am I going to have the energy to drive all that way, or will I be selfish and stay home and nap? Would I take Jon with me, and if so, what do I do with the cats? Kody is the only one who travels well. In that same vein, there is always someone who needs me to watch their pets while they go out of town for the week-end, and I have never been good with the "no" word. If I am out of town for a three day week-end twice a month, that pretty much rules out going to school. But with such a nice offer, it would be rude not to at least try it, right?

This is going to make me crazy before it's over...... in the words of Johnny 5, "Input!!! I need INPUT!!!"

2 responses:

pennsyltuckian said...

OK, this is a Pennsyltuckian who hasn't lived in old Pennsyl for (gulp) 30 years.

Why did you move away from your family in the first place?

Have any of those reasons really changed?

What do you think you'll find there that you haven't found here?

What will you lose by moving? Would you want your granddaughter to give that up for you?


mary martha said...

OK so Pennsy is playing devil's advocate...
I think you could at least try a couple of weekends...
and I can watch the kittehs!!! and love them and snorgle them and feed them and pet them and wash their faces and clean them ears...
so don't worry about the kittehs!


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