1. What is your favorite type of soda (if you drink soda)?
That would be Dr. Pepper. However, I also will drink anything from Sonic, especially a vanilla diet coke. I suspect that they put crack in their fountain drinks, because I can not pass a Sonic without stopping for one.
2. Do you believe in astrology? If so, what does your sign say about you?
The part of me that believes in all things mystical does! However, the part of me that aced Advanced Physics (wow, I just heard a thousand jaws hit the floor, but seriously, I did!) knows that the pull the stars have on someone at any given moment is negligible. But at the same time, when I have read books about Aries born during the "Week of the Child," and it is pretty much like reading about myself! So, who knows?
3. Who is John Galt?
John Galt is a fictional character in Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged. Although he is absent from much of the text, he is the subject of the novel's oft repeated question, "Who is John Galt?", and the quest to discover the answer. Thanks, Wikipedia!
4. What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep at night?
Toss and turn for a few hours.
5. Who's your Daddy?
Yes, I am! (from a song, you know! Anyone get that.... no? *crickets*)
6. Jelly beans or Jelly Bellies?
Jelly Bellies! Especially juicy pear.
7. What do you think about yellow car? Why car manufacturer actually made yellow cars?
Yellow cars are OK if you live in a warm climate, or are such a bad driver that you need to have attention drawn to yourself.
8. Holding on or Letting go?
Letting go of all things negative, while still holding onto the good.
9. What kind of underwear, if any, do you wear?
The kind that covers my butt.
10. Who is your daddy and what does he do?
My Dad is my Dad and he does something involving trading.
11. Spring - is it here yet??
Yes! It is warm, it is raining, there are baby animals everywhere and the flowers are coming back to life!
12. Does Google Streetview scare you?
No, I think it is the coolest thing ever!
13. What is your favorite brand of ice cream?
I'm not picky about the brand, as long as it is yummy.
14. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Rocky Road, Phish Food, Fudge Brownie!
15. Do you ever get tired of your everyday routine?
Sometimes, but I am happy with it overall.
16. What inspires you?
Racehorses, the human-animal bond, books and the way the earth comes back to life every spring. (I wonder if these answers would be different in the wintertime...)
17. It’s springtime-do you spend more time outdoors?
I spend every second that I can outdoors! I would sleep outdoors if I could.
18. When do you think Bud will let us see the DVD of him and the french twins?
Who? What? Huh?
19. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you, and why?
I would live in Ireland in a heartbeat. It is so fresh and green, and rains often, which makes everything fresher and greener. And it is a magical place where people spin lovely stories about faeries. And then there is the no snake thing- always a plus!
20. Why do you blog?
Because I like the sound of my own typing.
21. What are electrolytes and why are they good for us?
Sodium, Potassium and Calcium are the three that come to mind. They keep your body in balance. Low potassium causes weakness and high potassium can cause cardiac arrhythmia. And that's the best I can do without digging deeper into my brain!
22. Do you twitter? Why or why not?
Yeah, just for something else random to do.
23. What did you dream last night?
I kept dreaming that I was late for work- don't you hate that? And you keep waking up at 2 or 3am thinking you are behind? Ag!
24. What is the strangest thing you've eaten?
Snails- blech!!!!!!!!
25. What was the last picture that you took?26. What is your favorite part of spring?
Watching everything come back to life, getting to be outside, warm rain, flowers... yeah, everything!
27. What is one thing that you did this past week that no one knows about?
I ate fast food like I promised myself I wouldn't. What can I say, I am a stress-eater!
28. What kind of bandages do you typically have in your household?
Usually wadded up pieces of vetwrap that follow me home in my pockets!
Lonesome Boy Named 2024 Washington Horse of the Year
10 minutes ago
15 responses:
You made me chuckle. Great answers. ;o)
I stated I thought most people would say, "Who's Bud?" Hace a good one...
Your description of spring's so inviting. Wish we had spring here, too.
your #25's good. im sure your love for animals came through cuz it allowed you to take a snapshot without running off.. ;)
happy thursday!
And Ireland also has that whole pot of gold at the end of the rainbow thing, which is an added perk!
You should try the new Cherry DrPepper.. it rocks!
To hear my own typing... LOL Love it!
Great answers, happy Thursday!
I agree, there is crack in Sonic drinks...sooo addictive.
Great answers & picture! I hate the "I'm late" dream it's the worst.
Great answers! I used to dream I was always late for my wedding. Now that's scary!
Awesome picture!
Sonic has the best limeade! Have a great Thursday :)
I love your picture. :) And I haven't been there yet, but Ireland does look pretty awesome. :)
Dr pepper is my second favorite - ant the one thing that sucks about north jersey is the complete absense of sonics!
Ireland is my dream vacation, but I wouldn't want to live there ( and who could resist a GORGEOUS GUY WITH AN IRISH ACCENT....
great answers to all the questions. i can agree with you about living in Ireland and I'm not a fan of snakes either.
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