This week-end has been a gift. Out of nowhere, spring burst out of the ground, out of the sky and has nestled me in it's warm embrace. Do I sound a little giddy? I swear, a piece of me dies right along with the flowers and bugs every single fall, only to be awakened at the first sign of spring. The nights are no longer scary and forbidding, with monsters lurking in every shadow just waiting to pounce upon and unsuspecting passerby. They are filled with the sounds of crickets and tree frogs singing their song of rebirth, welcoming the warm weather that will turn the world into a lush, green place once again. Mornings no longer bring the dread of having to step outside into a freezing, dead world, but the joy of stepping out into a world full of living things, ready to start the day with you. Shoots of grass poking their way out of fertile, sweet-smelling soil. Morning glory's opening their sweet faces, welcoming in the sun. The chirping of the blue birds as they set about creating their nest, anticipating little hatchlings that will soon be crying out for food.
At sunset, I stood out in the field grooming Star, breathing in her sweet horsey smell while the dogs lounged nearby. The cows moo'd softly to their calves as a soft breeze kicked up, swirling the loosened hair of her thick winter coat away with it...
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