Sunday, June 1, 2008

Decesions, Decesions.

This week-end was an extremely rough one for me for many reasons, and has left me with a lot to ponder over the next couple of days. My grandparents drove up this week-end to pick up Spike, which was much more difficult than I had expected. I worked with Spike a lot, potty training him and socializing him so that he would grow into a good dog for my grandparents. Well, it turns out that taking a dog with you everywhere for two weeks creates a bond- by the time they were ready to take him, I didn't even have to use a leash on him because he followed me within a foot wherever I would go. He always came when I called, responded to my commands and would rather take a nap on my lap over anyone else's. Even though I was thrilled with the way my grandparents responded to him, more than one tear was shed over that retreating car.
However, my heartbreak wasn't limited to losing my little puppy. For the past 2 years, I have watched my grandmother struggle with Alzheimer's disease, and I have watched my grandfather struggle to take care of her. Aside from fulfilling a longtime dream for my grandfather, I picked Spike out for his temperament. He is a dog that will run the farm with my grandfather, and then come home perfectly content to lay in my grandmother's lap so that she can pet him and have a little fuzzy creature to interact with. Even during their short visit, I could see this dynamic falling into place just as planned.
I probably have a closer relationship with my grandparents than most grandchildren do because of my rocky, disjointed upbringing. It really bothers me to see them struggle the way that they are right now, and other family members are not in the position to help out the way that they should, either due to other obligations or plain old lack of patience.
So I have a decision to make. Morally, I feel obligated to move down there and help out. The other side of my morals thinks that it would be wrong to walk out on the life and job that I have here. Selfishly (unselfishly?), I am desperate for a change in my life and this would not only be a great excuse, it would also feel good to make a change that would benefit my family. At the moment, I am being an emotional, indecisive wreck. Pro/Con lists, possibly MANY of them, will be following over the next few days.

1 responses:

mary martha said...

I don't want to advise or influence unduly, but all I can say is follow your heart...
I am here to listen should you need to vent...


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