Saturday, March 8, 2008

Remember Buddy Luck?

Oh, hi! Let me just get a good stopping place on my bath here... OK, good. All set. So my life has been pretty strange for the past few months. I was pretty darn sick for awhile there- my belly was always sore, and every trip to the litter box was a pain. Ha, ha, get it? A pain?? You see, it was a pun, a jo- never mind. Right, so I've been on this special food for a couple of months, and I take some pills every day to help my bladder stay healthy. I am the best pill taker ever, because I know they make me feel better. I can't have any table scraps in case they make me sick again, but the tons of petting I get from these humans every day makes up for it. Oh, but don't tell them that- I'm really trying to beak them of the "no table scraps" rule. I ask you, how much could a piece of lunch meat hurt? One itty bitty piece?
These humans- about them. They are pretty all right. They give me more attention that I have ever had in my life. It's pretty cool, I have to say. But I do have one confession. Now, I'm no fraidy cat, but at first moving in with these creatures was pretty scary. Especially with the OTHER CATS. Now, like I said- I am brave, I am tough! I am Buddy Luck! But I don't like change, I don't like loud noises, and I wasn't sure how I'd feel about the OTHER CATS. Luckily, my new humans are pretty quiet, and we don't get a lot of visitors, which I like. And the dreaded other cats... they seem to be pretty OK- I don't bug them, and they don't bug me. I'd still like to live somewhere as an only child (more food, more attention, more spoiling. Nuff said!), but I think I just might be content where I am! Now, if you'll you'll excuse me, I really must get back to my bath- being this handsome is a very serious, time consuming responsibility. But you knew that already!

1 responses:

mary martha said...

Glad to see you have joined Tabitha's posse. MO will be pleased his sweetheart is so well protected!


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