I give you the pointlessness that is Thursday Thunks from 2/25/09 (because everyone needs the gift of pointlessness!). I've been posting these one week behind the site, so I am going to play catch up this week, and do them as they are posted!
1. What kind of dryer sheets do you use?
Whatever smells good at the store when I run out!
2. How many times a week do you eat out/order in?
Since I've gone on this health food kick (what was I thinking? Seriously, buy stock in Kashi now!), it has been way less. Now, I don't eat out more than once or twice a week and usually with my grandparents.
3. What did you do the night of your high school graduation?
After giving hugs to the family, I went out to a fancy dinner with my friends. We were all wearing pretty clothes and feeling on top of the world. I think we may have gone to the beach after, but I may be confusing that with another night. I remember very distinctly that when I finally got home that night, Time of Your Life was playing on the radio, and it seemed very appropriate.
4. So Octomom is rumored to have been offered a million bucks to do a porno. Would you do it for a million?
Be the octomom? No way! With 14 kids, that million would be gone within a year- so not worth it! ;)
5. If your child was born with an extra finger or toe, would you have it surgically removed?
If it would come off easily, why not?
6. What was the last movie you saw?
In the theater, it was Marley and Me- which I loved almost as much as the book. The last movie I watched at home was Legally Blond.
7. I wanna buy you a dozen roses, what color should they be?
Aww, that is very sweet of you. I think that red roses would be lovely.
8. You are walking across the street, you are not quite half way when a speeding car comes... you have to run to get out of its way, which direction do you run?
I'd run to the other side.
9. Tell us about a time when you were invited over somewhere and had the most awful time.
When I was eight I went to a slumber party for my friend's birthday party, and she had the strictest mother... ever. There was no cake or ice cream because she didn't believe in sugar for kids. We watched a movie on the VCR and had to keep complete silence throughout the movie. When it was over (at 8pm), we all had to go to bed with no giggling, talking, etc. and her mom stood in the room and watched us to make sure that everyone went immediately to sleep. Not the funnest thing ever!
10. You open your front door and there is a box with a puppy in it... what do you do?
Um, say, "Well, at least she isn't locked in a cage in the woods this time!" Depending on the breed/temperament/intelligence of the dog, I would either keep it or find it a home.
Injured Jockey Kimura Set for Return March 21
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