2. What is your earliest memory?
Watching a parade and jumping up and down, pointing at the horses.
3. Hot Dogs or Hamburgers?
Hamburgers! Hot dogs are the nastiest things on the planet unless the are burnt and covered with so many toppings that you can't taste the hot dog part.
5. What is one thing we would always find in your fridge... what one thing would we never find?
You will always, always find cheese and yogurt, but you will never ever see a mushroom or an olive.
If I'd gotten up to look, the answer would have been more specific!
7. What don't watermelons grow on trees?
What don't they grow on trees? The better question would be, what do they grow on trees? I didn't know that watermelons were avid gardeners, so someone needs to fill me in on this one...
8. What is something that you own that you should probably just throw in the trash, but you never will?
Tons of back issues of Blood Horse Magazine, newspaper clippings of Cigar, Silver Charm, etc. And all of my extra small shirts and size 4 pants. Let's face it- no matter how much I work out, those are not going to fit again. My hips have outgrown that and you can't reshape bone.
9. I push you into a room and lock the door. I leave you there for 6 hours. The walls are chalkboards and in the middle of the room there is a box of colored chalk. What will be written/drawn on the walls when I let you out?
After I took the opportunity for a quiet, uninterrupted nap, I'd probably start writing and spinning stories non-stop without any thought behind it at all. There's no telling what would come out, since I do end up with the most random stories that way!
10. When was the last time you changed the oil on your car?
I have never personally changed my oil, but that quick change place in the next town over did it about two months ago.
11. In your extended family, who has been married the longest?
My maternal grandparents have been married 53 years, 54 come August.
12. Name one thing that is so normal to you now that someone who was your age 50 years ago would think was abnormal.
Let's see... having multiple piercings. Surfing the Internet. Having more than three channels on the TV. Watching DVDs. Taking a photo and seeing it immediately.
14. What do you dip your french fries in?
Ketchup, Mustard, Ranch dressing, Chili, or Cheese. Or all of the above.
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