Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thursday Thunks- Puddles!

Am now addicted to this blog: Thursday Thunks! (Yes, I know today is Wednesday)

1. You are driving down the road and there is a puddle in the road. A big puddle. Not one that will really wreck your car or anything, but a big puddle. There is no other cars in front of you or behind you - do you drive through the puddle or drive around it?
Drive strait through it, laughing!

2. Go to Google Images, type in any word that comes to mind and post the 1st picture you see:

3. A college calls you up and says that you have been selected to take get any degree that you want on their dollar.... what do you choose?
A doctorate in Psychology with a focus in developmental, counselling and animal behavior. Hopefully, this school would be paying for my living expenses as well, since this would take 20 years!

4. Are you blogging on a laptop or desktop?
A laptop

5. Which store, excluding a grocery store, do you shop at most often?

Probably the pet store or a bookstore.

6.Were you ever in a school play/musical? Which one?

I mostly did behind the scenes stuff, but I acted in A Christmas Carol, The Pride of Miss Jean Brody, Teddy Bears and Company and a couple of improv shows.

7. I read yesterday that a school PTA group wants to try to ban white bread, cakes, brownies or any other "treat" from their lunch menus... plus make kids' lunchboxes brought from home not include any "junk food". Thoughts on that one?

I think that people should be allowed to parent their own kids without interference from outsiders. Taking it off the lunch menus? That's fine- encourage healthy eating! But kids should be able to bring whatever they want from home. And who gets to decide what constitutes "junk food?" Or even "white bread?" Does that extend to potato and sourdough bread? Seriously people, let's devote some attention to a real problem and let the kids have their stinkin brownies in their school lunches!

8. How many people can your kitchen table seat?

There are four chairs, but I have fit as many as eight people at my table.

9. What time is it right now?

10. Walk out the front door of your house/apartment, turn right, walk 2 blocks. What do you see?
Define blocks. If we are talking a little neighborhood blocks, I'd prolly be in the middle of a herd of cows. City blocks? I'd be in the creek or woods. Which is just the way I like it!

1 responses:

Anonymous said...

what was your google image word????


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