Saturday, February 28, 2009

Grace in Small things- Part Five

1) The wonder that is Pseudoephedrine. What an amazing little drug it is, all that sinus pressure, runny nose relieving, life giving-back force in one tiny little pill. I would never have gotten through this week without you.

2) Cream cheese, crackers and mashed potatoes- the three foods I can not live without when I am sick. Without you, I would have starved!

3) A whole week-end in the mountains with friends. Forty-eight hours where I didn't have to worry about feeding animals, medicating them, housecleaning or bills. And on the flip side, the excitement of returning to it all!

4) Sea creatures! Is there anything cooler in the whole world?

5) Living without being surrounded by bright city lights. I'm now intimately aware of the days getting longer, and enjoying every second of watching spring arrive!

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