Friday, January 18, 2008

In the nick of time

About two months ago, the vet clinic that I work for had a cat come with his urethra obstructed with crystals from his bladder. His bladder was on the verge of rupturing, and he was probably about 10 minutes from death when we started the procedure. I sat with him, listening to this faint, irregular heartbeat and PRAYING as I basically breathed for him. Tough cat that he is, he stabilized, pulled through and was purring within the hour! His strong, sweet personality became increasingly apparent the better he felt. I admit it, I became pretty attached to the little guy.

Fast forward to today: he had been doing great until his owner stopped feeding him his special diet, meant to prevent the re-formation of his crystals. He re-obstructed- his owner elected for euthanasia since she couldn't afford the procedure. One of our doctors said that she would do the surgery at no cost if the owner promised to keep him on his special diet- the owner again elected for euthanasia, stating that feeding this diet would be too much of a hardship. The doctor was sad, I was upset- there is something very bonding about listening to a cat nearly die, then watching him fight on, keep his gentle personality, only to be sentenced to death. As we hesitantly gathered our supplies, and I took him in my arms, he looked right into my eyes. I started to tremble. I just couldn’t hold him for a procedure that felt so wrong to me. The doctor just sighed and sighed, repeating over and over, “He’s suffering, he’s suffering, if he doesn’t get the care he needs he’ll die painfully, he may always have problems… we just have to know we are performing a kindness… right?” We looked at each other and at the last possible second, we stopped the euthanasia, I called the owner and asked her if she was interested in another option for her cat. I respectfully said that he was her pet, and she needed to choose the option that felt right to her - if she was most comfortable with euthanasia, I certainly would respect that. But, if she were interested, she could sign her kitty over to me, and I would either keep him or find him a good home. She became tearful, and was thrilled that someone who “obviously really cares,” would be taking him on, because she did want him to have the change that she could not provide. Our euthanasia became a urethral obstruction relief, the struvite crystals are GONE, and he is hopefully on his way to a happy life.

So, meet Buddy!

Buddy the cat, who in the last 12 hours has been rechristened, "Lucky," "Euthy," "Thank GOD we hired that cat girl," "Close Call," "Almost," "Mr. I saw Jesus coming and he rejected me." I could go on, but you probably get the point!!! He also said, LOUDLY, when we placed an IV catheter for surgery, "HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO BE CALM AFTER YOU WAVED THAT PINK SHOT IN MY FACE??????"

He is four years old, lilac colored and very even tempered. He absolutely needs a home where he can be kept on his special diet. I know I can't save them all, but I saved this one. I know that there is a chance he will re obstruct no matter is done. I can accept that. But I have a good feeling. I just do. He is very special, and he deserves a chance. SO, if anyone knows anyone who would like this cat, who would love him and feed him his special diet, please let me know! Look at that face- could you have done it? Doesn't he deserve better?

As a side note, I am very pro-euthanasia when it is necessary. I believe that it is the kindest, most humane thing that can be done for an animal that is suffering and has no hope of recovery. I once believed that an animal would die when it was ready to die, and that no one had the right to alter the natural plan. I have now learned that this is not true. An animal will be ready to die, but suffer terribly for weeks, even months. It is kinder to save them all of that, and allow them to cross the Rainbow Bridge where they can run and play and forget all about suffering and illness. Humans are entrusted with the guardianship of animals; this is not a responsibility to be taken lightly. Which is why, in this case, I felt that my responsibility to this cat lie elsewhere.

2 responses:

Katie! said...

AWWWWW, Alykat. You made me cry like a little girl in the middle of the library.

You are so special. I am SO glad that you're back where you belong.

Love you.

pennsyltuckian said...

He is a handsome devil. I'm glad you found one another.

If you really want a new name, how about calling him "Nevermind"?



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