Project Linus! It is official, as of today our clinic's charity for February is going to be Project Linus. January's donations are ready to be sent out, and our new signs and donation boxes are prominently displayed in the lobby. Most importantly, I purchased some colorful yarn today and have set to work knitting my first blanket. Being the ambitious person that I am, I am determined to make at least two blankets by the end of the month. Considering that I have not held a set of knitting needles in my hands in at least 10 years, this should be a very interesting process. I already had to rip apart two hours worth of work when I dropped 15 stitches right in a row. I'd love to blame Kody for this, but this somehow occurred during the 30 seconds that he was NOT playing with the ball of yarn. Sigh.
So, if any of you are feeling ambitious and would like to makes a blanket or two, check out the website and let me know! How can you say no to sick kids? :)
Wide Country Stakes: Onyx Ten
2 hours ago
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